CROFT We bought the croft in 2010 - 40 acres of unproductive grazing ground, and an old croft house. No fences. No buildings. No trees. We set about bringing it back into use - a new agricultural shed; 2km of hedge; 4km of fences; we added 120 tonnes of basalt rock dust, to replace micro nutrients; planted a new woodland; and converted to organics. No wonder we've aged! POLYTUNNEL Our polytunnel gives us year round growing for more tender crops - it regularly reaches 40 degrees C in summer! In winter it enables us to continue supplying fresh greens to the veg box. FIELD VEG & FRUIT We run a 5 bed organic rotation in the fields. Plus permanent herb and fruit areas. Green manure is grown in 'rest' years to fix nitrogen, and feed the soil with organic matter. WOODLAND With help from the Woodland Trust, we planted 22,000 trees - including an orchard, wild harvest area, native trees for wildlife, and productive timber for firewood and lumber.